Una Von Der Rabensburg, CGN, RN, RI, NTD, ITD
As you can see "Wi" is an incredibly athletic and high drive dog. She is constantly wanting to work and learn, and quickly picks up anything she is taught. At 12 weeks old she was tracking trails that were laid, with multiple turns. She advanced quickly because she learned quickly and retained everything. She completed her CGN and Rally Novice title without ever doing the exercises or being in a ring before, and she tied for high score in Rally. ( and I had never been in a Rally Ring either).
She loves scent work, obedience, barn hunt and although she tends to treat the agility ring as her own personal playground, it will be something to work on, once I find the control button for her exuberance. In 2020, Wi completed a Novice Trick Dog and Intermediate Trick Dog Title, without any formal training. She performs daily tasks just to keep her active mind occupied, who knew they were tricks !
She loves scent work, obedience, barn hunt and although she tends to treat the agility ring as her own personal playground, it will be something to work on, once I find the control button for her exuberance. In 2020, Wi completed a Novice Trick Dog and Intermediate Trick Dog Title, without any formal training. She performs daily tasks just to keep her active mind occupied, who knew they were tricks !