BIS/MBPIS Cdn. GChX Hyclass Jimary Justa Gigolo, CGN, ROM
Duc is an outstanding son of Ch. Jimary's Candy Floss and Ch. Jimary's Captain Crunch (who was #2 pug in the 2010 standings to date). He has a gorgeous wrinkled head with big dark eyes that will melt you. Along with his awesome temperament is a square and correct body that moves true coming and going. He is the product of a careful and thought-out mating.
Duc obtained his Championship very quickly from the puppy classes. In 2010, he ranked # 5 Pug in Canada, #1 Pug Puppy in Canada, #1 Toy Puppy in Canada and #9 All Breed Puppy in Canada, with 6 wins of "Best Puppy in Show". An awesome accomplishment with such limited showing. A special thank you to the Judges that awarded Duc "Best Puppy In Show" wins: Thomas Alexander, Richard Lopaschuk, Edgar Bajona, Mervin Beech, Franklin Vander Spuy (South Africa) and Jamieson Glendinning for recognizing this young dog’s outstanding qualities and potential.
2011 was another great year for Duc finishing #5 Pug in Canada with a “Best in Show”, from Judge Donna Cole and a “Reserve Best in Show” from Judge Ed Wild. Thank you, Judges. Duc is also shown in Junior Handling by my 11 year old niece, Danae Calfa, whom he loves dearly.
In 2011, Duc was awarded the title of Grand Champion Excellent from the Canadian Kennel Club, which required him getting a Best in Show, 100 Group points and a CGN ( Canadian Good Neighbor) title . He was also awarded his Register of Merit from the Pug Club of Canada for accumulating the necessary points and passing all his health checks. He accomplished all this at 2 years, 1 month of age.
Duc obtained his Championship very quickly from the puppy classes. In 2010, he ranked # 5 Pug in Canada, #1 Pug Puppy in Canada, #1 Toy Puppy in Canada and #9 All Breed Puppy in Canada, with 6 wins of "Best Puppy in Show". An awesome accomplishment with such limited showing. A special thank you to the Judges that awarded Duc "Best Puppy In Show" wins: Thomas Alexander, Richard Lopaschuk, Edgar Bajona, Mervin Beech, Franklin Vander Spuy (South Africa) and Jamieson Glendinning for recognizing this young dog’s outstanding qualities and potential.
2011 was another great year for Duc finishing #5 Pug in Canada with a “Best in Show”, from Judge Donna Cole and a “Reserve Best in Show” from Judge Ed Wild. Thank you, Judges. Duc is also shown in Junior Handling by my 11 year old niece, Danae Calfa, whom he loves dearly.
In 2011, Duc was awarded the title of Grand Champion Excellent from the Canadian Kennel Club, which required him getting a Best in Show, 100 Group points and a CGN ( Canadian Good Neighbor) title . He was also awarded his Register of Merit from the Pug Club of Canada for accumulating the necessary points and passing all his health checks. He accomplished all this at 2 years, 1 month of age.